A fortnightly zoom call where Amati Managers aim to share opinions on key events over the previous weeks. 10 – 15 minutes of concise comment at 8:45am every second Tuesday. If you haven’t already registered to watch “Amati Insights”, please email info@amatiglobal.com and we will send out the link to the recording.

Amati insights
17th October 2023 – What’s new with Metals?
'The time to be concerned is when the conferences are packed and the mood is giddy.' Georges Lequime and Mark Smith briefly discuss their findings from the Precious Metals conference in Colorado, LatAm Conference in Sao Paulo and chit chat…
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Amati insights
3rd October 2023 – Diluting Net Zero Commitments
We have all seen headlines and political debate on diluting net zero commitments, from low emission zones to EVs to renewable energy. Beyond politics, there are objective economic headwinds – cost inflation and higher interest rates made previously feasible projects…
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Amati insights
19th September 2023 – Bioprocessing
The obscure but exciting world of bioprocessing. You may have seen press headlines about break-through obesity treatments, promising progress in Alzheimer therapy or cure for previously incurable cancers. Gareth and Mikhail discuss how the bioprocessing industry has become a key…
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Amati insights
5th September 2023 – Where do we go from here?
Paul Jourdan and Mikhail Zverev will share their summer reflections on themes in global markets and the Edinburgh Festivals, from Generative AI boom to China economic stumble, from re-industrialisation of the West to oil & gas industry boycotts.
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Amati insights
27th June 2023 – Our Summer Research To-Do List
Before we enter the (hopefully) quieter summer months, fund managers, Graeme Bencke and Mikhail Zverev will discuss some of the big open questions in front of the team that will be the focus of our investment thinking this summer.
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Amati insights
13th June 2023 – Commercial Real Estate
Commercial real estate has been in focus in recent months, with worrying headlines regarding falling occupancy, drop in valuation and risk of debt defaults. Amati fund managers Scott McKenzie and David Stevenson will discuss both the UK and Global perspective…
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Amati insights
30th May 2023 – Innovation in Life Sciences
Innovation in the life sciences is happening at an ever increasing pace. New tools and technology are revealing richer detail and more insights about health and disease than ever before. These insights translate into vast addressable markets. While still in…
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Amati insights
16th May 2023 – Trends and opportunities across Global &…
Although most stock markets are in positive territory so far this year, the benign headline numbers mask some intriguing dynamics within. Join Amati fund managers Scott McKenzie and Graeme Bencke for the next Insights call as they discuss the underlying…
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Amati insights
2nd May 2023 – Electric Vehicle Market
Tesla results and the threat of electric vehicle price war. Tesla has been reducing the price of its electric vehicles in the recent months. In its results announcement, CEO Elon Musk suggested more price cuts are possible, causing the stock…
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Amati insights
18th April 2023 – ChatGPT
ChatGPT has gained rapid popularity and wide publicity since launch. In our opinion, it represents a new chapter in AI and machine learning technology, with far reaching implications. Amati fund managers Mikhail Zverev and Graeme Bencke will discuss the progress…
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Amati insights
4th April 2023 – Machine Vision
The next few years will bring a sharp increase in the number and variety of autonomous machines in use across industry and commerce. From inspection drones to warehouse robots and from autonomous cleaners to self-guided tractors. Unmanned mobile machines are…
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Amati insights
21st March 2023 – Silicon Valley Bank
Dr Paul Jourdan and Mikhail Zverev will discuss the failure of Silicon Valley Bank in the US last week, regulatory response and the emerging contagion risks. Managers will consider possible implications for the bank depositors, banking sector stability and regulation…
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Important Information

This recording is provided for informational purposes only and does not represent an offer or solicitation to buy or sell any securities; nor does it provide all the facts needed to make an informed decision about investing in any of Amati’s funds, services or portfolio companies. Prospective investors should always read the relevant product documentation, which contains full details of the costs and charges as well as specific risk warnings. These documents are available at http://amatiglobal.com .

Past performance is not a reliable guide to future performance. The value of investments and the income from them may go down as well as up and investors may not get back the amount they originally invested. Smaller companies, and in particular those companies quoted on the Alternative Investment Market (AIM), typically carry much more risk than investment in companies listed on the Main Market of the London Stock Exchange. Further, the tax treatment of such investments is not guaranteed and is subject to change. In respect of global markets, the return on investment may increase or decrease as a result of exchange rate movements, while certain products may be invested across a limited range of industries and sectors and be subject to higher risk and volatility.

Please note that this presentation is intended primarily for authorised financial advisers. Any non-professional investors joining the presentation today, or viewing it at a later date, should take careful note of the information above and seek professional advice before  considering any investment.

Amati Global Investors Limited, 8 Coates Crescent, Edinburgh, EH3 7AL (Registered No. SC199908) Tel: 0131 503 9100. Email: info@amatiglobal.com. Website: http://amatiglobal.com Issued by Amati Global Investors Limited, which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.