About Us
Who are Amati Global Investors?
Amati Global Investors was established in Edinburgh in 2010 with the objective of providing our investors with savings vehicles offering exposure to dynamic areas of the market. We aim to curate diverse portfolios of carefully analysed businesses capable of performing in a variety of market conditions. Independent and committed to active management, we have created an environment that enables our investment teams to work together effectively, focusing on making good investment decisions for our clients. Amati manage the Amati AIM VCT, Amati AIM IHT Portfolio Service, WS Amati UK Smaller Companies Fund, WS Amati Strategic Metals Fund and the recently launched WS Amati Strategic Innovation Fund.
Why Amati?
Andrea Amati made the earliest known violin, and his grandson Nicolo Amati was the first great violin maker. Nicolo is reported to be the teacher of Antonio Stradivari, the most famous maker in the history of the instrument. In choosing this name for the business we are setting our sights high to bring world-class craftsmanship, with the thoughtfulness, skill, care and attention to detail that this brings with it, to the ever shifting and hugely demanding job of constructing robust, responsive, and brilliantly performing portfolios of investments.
Just as every great instrument is made for the player, we seek to run funds that work for and fit our investors. We manage funds to take calculated risks and we will always be straight about what these risks are. Our ambition is not to be top of the performance tables over short term periods, because this is a recipe for poor risk management. A portfolio which is resonant like a great instrument will seek to fit the movement of the times, will be made up of the best available materials, and will be built to last.
Industry practice in this area has been evolving rapidly and AGI has been an active participant in seeking to define and strengthen its principles accordingly. This involves both integrating ESG considerations into the investment managers’ decision-making process as a matter of course, and also signing up to major external bodies who are leading influencers in the formation of industry best practice.
The consideration of ESG issues has always been implicit in our investment process, and at some level there is engagement on some aspect of ESG during almost every interaction with investee or potential investee companies.
The results of our engagement with companies varies and will depend on the amount of leverage we have in terms of our shareholding, but in any case we always try to make a difference, even if only at the margins. Importantly, we almost always engage directly with the company itself and our views are not mediated by the broker or by an institutional proxy voting adviser.
We believe that our investment process should take into account the broader social and environmental impact of the companies in which we invest.
Stewardship & Shareholder Engagement
UK Stewardship Code
We are proud to be signatories to the UK Stewardship Code, which sets high stewardship standards for those investing money on behalf of UK savers and pensioners, and those that support them. Stewardship is the responsible allocation, management and oversight of capital to create long-term value for clients and beneficiaries leading to sustainable benefits for the economy, the environment and society.
Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI)
Amati Global Investors is a Signatory of the Principles for Responsible Investment. The PRI is the world’s leading proponent of responsible investment. It works to understand the investment implications of environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors and to support its international network of investor signatories in incorporating these factors into their investment and ownership decisions. The PRI acts in the long-term interests of its signatories, of the financial markets and economies in which they operate and ultimately of the environment and society as a whole.
The PRI is truly independent. It encourages investors to use responsible investment to enhance returns and better manage risks, but does not operate for its own profit; it engages with global policymakers but is not associated with any government; it is supported by, but not part of, the United Nations.
Voting records
Charitable Engagement
Amati Global Investors gives 10% of its net profits to UK registered charities These are chosen by Amati’s shareholders in proportion to the percentage that they own.
Since inception Amati shareholders have donated £1,378,244 to a number of worthy causes.
A selection of charities that Amati has supported since inception:
- Alzheimer Research UK
- Air Ambulance
- Salvation Army
- Clean Trade
- Crohs and Colitis UK
- International Justice Mission UK
- The Judd School
- Landmark Trust
- East Lothian Special Needs Playschemes
- Loch Lomond Fisheries Trust
- MS Research Appeal
- Anne Rowling Neuro Regeneration Clinic
- British Lung Foundation
- Breast Cancer Care
- Sistema Scotland
- The Claque Theatre
- Salmon Youth Centre
- Tree of Hope
- Children 1st
- Edinburgh Dog & Cat Home
- LionHeart Mahogany Opera
- Benedetti Foundation
- Maggie’s Centres
- Christian Aid
- Steps to Hope
- Musicians Benevolent Fund
- Little Princess Trust
- Race Against Dementia
- Hope and Homes
- Feedback Madagascar
- British Red Cross
- MS Society
- Edinburgh Direct Aid
- Help for Heroes
- Noahs Ark Children’s Hospice
- World Bicycle Relief
…to name just a few!